S3 is a summer camp for youth ages 10 through 13 who have an interest in learning about STEM, building friendships, and improving their socialization. This fully inclusive summer camp is operated by students and staff in the Faculty of Education at Western University and is designed to be accessible for children with and without disabilities. The camp will introduce campers to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities that are both engaging and educational. While learning about robots, your child will also be learning important social skills that are important in daily life and will assist them in future STEM careers. We aim to make STEM accessible to all students and foster supportive friendships along the way.

STEM Learning

Our curriculum is designed by students in the Faculty of Education here at Western University. It uses Universal Design for Learning, which means that all our STEM activities are designed to be accessible by all learners, regardless of previous experience or learning abilities.


In any situation, social skills are important for communication with others, building relationships, and engaging in activities. Each day, campers will learn a new social skill that will support their development and assist them in future careers in STEM.

Supportive Friendships

At the heart of this program, we want to support the development of new friendships, which becomes especially important as students enter middle school. We use fun team games, disability awareness lessons, and partner-based STEM activities to support youth in getting to know each other and working together.

Seats fill up quickly! Register your child today.


The S3 Summer Camp will run for two weeks this summer: Monday through Friday from July 10th to July 21st. The camp hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The S3 Summer Camp uses new activities each day to increase students’ understanding of STEM activities and support the improvement of their social skills. This is what you can expect your child will do on a typical day during the camp:

9:00 AM

Arrival and Sign In

9:30 AM

Learning about Disabilities and Social Skills

This short, half-hour lesson will teach campers the social skill of the day and offer them the chance to learn about a disability.

10:00 AM

Snack Break

10:15 AM

STEM Lesson #1

Each STEM lesson will focus on a new activity for opportunities to learn and grow in STEM             knowledge. Each STEM lesson builds on the previous one, so campers always have the chance to   push their knowledge and explore something new!

11:20 AM

Active Games in the Gym

High-energy games will give campers the opportunity to get on their feet and expel some energy! These games will be led by the camp facilitators.

12:05 PM

Lunch Break

12:35 PM

STEM Lesson #2

1:05 PM

Outdoor Free Play

Held outside, these free play sessions will give campers the chance to hang out with their friends and choose what they would like to do. Board games, cards, and balls will be provided.

2:00 PM

STEM Lesson #3

2:30 PM

Snack Break

2:45 PM

STEM Lesson #4

3:30 PM

Afternoon Reflection

This session offers campers the chance to relax after a long day of fun! The reflection will be led by camp facilitators who will give each camper the opportunity to share with everyone what they learned that day.

4:00 PM

Sign Out and Pick Up



All participants and staff are strongly encouraged to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations.


Campers should come prepared each day with snacks and lunch, a reusable water bottle, hats, sunscreen and bug spray. We recommend that campers wear running shoes or close-toed shoes, but this is not a requirement. Campers are welcome to bring their own fidget tools to camp, if interested!


Prior to registering your camper(s), you will need to agree to our Informed Consent Agreement for each camper. Further, all parents and campers are required to agree to our Code of Conduct, aimed at fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all. Please ensure you review this policy and discuss it with your campers.


The S3 Summer Camp strives to create a safe environment for all campers. All lunches and snacks should be peanut and nut-free.


By phone: XXX

By email: XXX

Drop off and Pick up will be at the front entrance to the John George Althouse Faculty of Education Building at

1137 Western Road, London, Ontario, Canada N6G 1G7

Reserve your child’s seat today.